오픽노잼 IM 10 - 과거 경험 ( 시간이 없다면 과거 경험에 좀 더 집중!)
오픽의 4가지 카테고리
1. Description (설명)
2. Habit (습관)
3. Past Experience ( 과거 경험) => 가장 중요
4. Comparison ( 비교)
시간이 없으면 Past Experience를 좀 더 집중적으로 준비
=> 예시
Description 질문 중
Q : Tell me about your favorite pub.
All right, there's this pub that I really like.
You know, I think it's called "Cocky pub"
But anyway, this place is so amazing.
beacause they have so many different kinds of beer.
여기서 끝내지 말고 변형을 시도
Q : What was your favorite pub in the past?
비슷한 질문이지만 과거와 연관 지어서 변형한 버전
Oh you know,
when I was in my university days, you know there was this pub
that I really liked.
And i really liked this place beacause, you know,
this place was like beer heaven.
Combo Set(CS)를 연습할 때 위에처럼 연습
=> 예시
1. Description + Past Experience
2. Habit + Past Experience
3. Comparison + Past Experience
Past Experience 전략
IM = Direct Quotation(직법화법) = 나에 대해서 집중
You know, I went to this park
for the first time.
And I was like,
"OMG! The flowers are just so beautiful here!"
나는 처음으로 공원에 갔었다.(과거)
그리고, "오 마이 갓, 꽃 엄청 이쁘다!(현재)" 라고 말했다.(과거)
"" 사이에 들어가는 말이 Direct Quotation
IH = Direct Quotation + Indirect Quotation(간접화법) = 나 + 다른 사람
You know,
my wife and I went to this random park
for the first time,
and we were just so amazed.
She was like,( = My wife was like)
"Sam,(=> point)
the flowers here are just so beautiful!"
내가 000와 공원에 갔었다.
내가 이렇게 말했다.
= I was like "~~~"
000가 이렇게 말했다.
= He/She was like "~~~"
출처 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYipMooSBVg&list=PL9Ieg7fw1BJKxNwPU3G2hdpM75nGIwyAB&index=11