
AL - 문장 20개(외향적 10개, 내향적 10개), 필러 10개

아찌방 2025. 1. 11. 09:56




my room used to be the place where my friends and I would always hang out



when a new K-Pop song was released,

my friends and I would get together to listen and talk about it

when I was in high school



I often went on picnics with friends at the park during college especially when we had breaks between classes



my friends and I enjoyed Cafe hopping in Seoul every weekend



whenever a popular movie came out we'd go said on the first day



I enjoyed hosting potluck dinners where everyone brought a dish


Domestic Travel

last summer we all went on a trip to Jeju Island and it was a blast


Overseas Travel

a couple of years ago I traveled with friends to Vietnam and we enjoyed a lot of local food and explored a lot.



yangyang Beach was our golden spot for a fun day out and surfing in the Sun


Vacation at Home

During my last staycation, I invited friends over for a Korean barbecue and we ended up staying up allnight chatting and PC gaming




last month I spent a weekend decluttering my room



last year,  I found a playlist that was perfect for focusing on my studies



I used to take early morning walks in the park to enjoy the quiet



A few months ago, I discovered a cafe that makes excellent iced americanos



During the last winter break I watched a lot of documentaries online



I made kimchi fried rice at home a couple of times. It's my comfort food.


Domestic Travel

Last year, I took a trip alone to Gyeongju to see the old buildings


Overseas Travel

A few years ago, I spent a quiet week in the small town in Japan



I went on a hotel staycation with beautiful ocean views. I like to walk along the beach.


Vacation at  home

during the last holiday I caught up on some sleep and read some books that I wanted to read.




1. From what I know,


2. What I think is that,


3. If you know what I'm saying


4. If I'm not mistaken,


5. and stuff like that...


6. That sort of thing


7. As far as I know,


8. What I'm trying to say is that


9. To put it another way...


10. If I remember correctly

출처 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsODDcrFGhA

